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Our business was founded on the principles of unity, strength and success.
We are a cooperative business… a co-op.Â
What we are not is a franchise, an independent retailer, a chain or mega-corporation.
Each store is owned and operated independently, supported by our cooperative not at all like your regular retail franchise. The co-op is set up to service our valued customers and help local, family-run small businesses prosper and provide support, not to make a profit itself.
Carpet One is a group of local businesses that have joined together to bring you a competitive alternative to big corporations. We are locally owned and family operated. Our staff are people who live in your town, understand your needs and share your concerns about the future of your community.
When you shop with Carpet One your investment remains local and you help create local jobs. In fact, worldwide research tells us that for every $100 spent with a co-operative group, like Carpet One, almost $43 is invested in the local community. Comparatively, the same $100 spent with a chain, only $13 goes back into the community* — that’s almost 300% less.
*Source: International Co-operative Alliance 2011
In our role as a cooperative, Carpet One practice our retail business on seven foundation principles:
Carpet, Wool Carpet, Sheet Vinyl, Timber, Bamboo & Cork, Laminate, Hybrid, Sustainable, Underlay
your local Carpet One store is a Member of the Carpet One Co-operative
We take great care in ensuring our prices are accurate. We work with you to ensure we provide the best product to suit your needs.
Please confirm you understand that the prices given by our website are indicative only. A more accurate price will be given by our professional sales team once we have received your order or request for quote.