One of its pillars is kanso ç°¡ç´ , the Japanese principle of simplicity. This emphasises focusing only on what is essential and functional, promoting a clear and calm mind.


Decluttering aligns perfectly with this philosophy. It’s more than just tidying up; it’s about creating a space that embodies simplicity, functionality, and beauty. Removing excess and focusing on essentials can transform your home into a sanctuary of peace and tranquillity.

The 30-day Declutter Challenge: How it Works
Choose one task to do each day

Choose one task to do each day for the next 30 days. Give yourself a 20-minute time limit (or 15 if that’s all you’ve got!) for each to help you maintain focus and avoid overwhelm. The most important thing is to dedicate time to the task rather than worrying about how much time it takes.

Start at any time

Start this challenge when you can, and keep going to build momentum. It also helps if you set a consistent time of the day that works best for you.

Prepare a donation bin

Before taking on the challenge, prepare a donation bin for all the items you want to donate as you sort through your things.

Day 1: Entryway

Clear out shoes, clothing, and bags. Keep only what you use regularly.

Day 2: Junk Drawer

Sort through and organise. Discard or relocate items that don’t belong.

Day 3: Kitchen Counters
Sort through and organise. Discard or relocate items that don’t belong.
Day 4: Pantry

Clear out shoes, clothing, and bags. Keep only what you use regularly.

Day 5: Refrigerator
Clean out old food and wipe down shelves.
Day 6: Freezer

Discard expired items and organise the rest.

Day 7: Under the Sink

Organise cleaning supplies and dispose of empty containers.

Day 8: Spice Rack
Discard expired items and organise the remaining spices.
Day 9: Living Room

Tidy up surfaces and remove items that don’t belong.

Day 10: Bookshelves

Donate books you no longer read and organise the rest.

Day 11: TV Stand

Organise electronics and accessories.

Day 12: Bathroom

Dispose of expired products and empty containers.

Day 13: Medicine Cabinet

Safely dispose of expired medications.

Day 14: Linen Closet
Fold and organise linens and donate extras.
Day 15: Bedroom Closet
Sort clothes and donate what you don’t wear.
Day 16: Dresser Drawers

Organise clothes and accessories.

Day 17: Nightstand

Clear off and organise items.

Day 18: Home Office Desk

Tidy up and organise paperwork.

Day 19: Office Supplies

Sort through and organise supplies.

Day 20: Hobby Area

Sort and donate what you don’t use.

Day 21: Kids’ Toys

Sort through and donate unused toys.

Day 22: Garage

Tackle one section and organise tools and equipment.

Day 23: Car

Clean out your vehicle.

Day 24: Laundry Room

Organise supplies and clean surfaces.

Day 25: Pet Supplies

Sort through pet items.

Day 26: Outdoor Space

Tidy up and organise outdoor items.

Day 27: Digital Declutter
Organise files and delete unnecessary emails and files.
Day 28: Photos

Sort through and organise digital and printed photos.

Day 29: Sentimental Items

Go through keepsakes and decide what to keep.

Day 30: Review and Reflect

Review your progress and make any final adjustments.

Join our 30-day Decluttering Challenge

Share your progress and connect with others on social media. Use the hashtag #30DaysZenHomeChallenge to let us know how you’re doing. We’d love to see your before-and-after photos and hear about your journey!

Learn more about Japanese Minimalism
Get inspired and find practical tips to extend the minimalist approach throughout your home.